10 Tips for Freshers Looking for entry-level Positions – from a Senior Recruiting Manager

10 Tips for Freshers Looking for entry-level Positions - from a Senior Recruiting Manager

As a senior recruiting manager with years of experience in the industry, I have had the opportunity to interact with fresh graduates and newcomers looking to break into the job market. From my observations, I have compiled a list of ten tips that will help such freshers land entry-level positions without much hassle. See them below.

10 Tips for Freshers Looking for entry-level Positions – from a Senior Recruiting Manager

  1. Identify Your Goals and Interests

Before you start searching for entry-level positions, you need to have a clear understanding of your goals and interests. This will help you narrow down your job search to positions that align with what you want to achieve in your career.

If you are not sure of your goals, take some time to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, identify your passions, and research the job market to see what opportunities are available.

  1. Customize Your Resume and Cover Letter

Your resume and cover letter are your first impressions to potential employers. Make sure that your resume and cover letter are tailored to the position you are applying for. Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications that show that you are a good fit for the job. Your cover letter should also showcase your personality and enthusiasm for the job.

10 Tips for Freshers Looking for entry-level Positions - from a Senior Recruiting Manager
10 Tips for Freshers Looking for entry-level Positions – from a Senior Recruiting Manager
  1. Network

Networking is an essential aspect of job hunting. You can network with family members, friends, and alumni who are working in your desired field. Attend job fairs, industry conferences, and social events to meet professionals in your field, learn more about what employers are looking for, and find out about job opportunities.

12 GRAVE MISTAKES FOR JOB SEEKERS – avoid this and land your next job

  1. Apply for Internship Programs

Internship programs are perfect for freshers who are looking to gain experience and learn more about their desired career path. Many organizations offer internship programs, which can lead to a permanent job. An internship program will help you gain practical experience, develop your skills, and build your network.

  1. Follow Up

After applying for a job, follow up with a phone call or email to express your interest and inquire about the status of your application. This shows that you are proactive, enthusiastic, and interested in the job.

  1. Be Prepared for Interviews

When preparing for an interview, research the company and the position you are applying for. Prepare answers to common interview questions and practice your responses. Dress professionally and arrive on time. During the interview, show confidence, enthusiasm, and ask thoughtful questions.

  1. Accept Feedback

Be open to feedback from potential employers. If you are not selected for a job, ask for feedback on what you could have done better. Use this feedback as a learning opportunity to improve your skills and increase your chances of landing your next job.

  1. Be Flexible

Be flexible with the roles you are willing to consider. An entry-level position may not be your dream job, but it can lead to other opportunities and help you gain valuable experience. Be willing to consider positions that meet your immediate needs while also allowing you to grow and develop.

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  1. Be Patient

Job hunting can be a lengthy process. Do not get discouraged if you do not get a job offer immediately. Be patient, continue to apply for jobs, and focus on improving your skills and experiences.

  1. Keep Learning

Continue to learn and develop your skills. Attend workshops and training programs, read books and industry publications, and stay up-to-date with trends in your field. This will make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers, and you will be able to bring more value to your job.

Recruiting Manager’s advice on What not to do as a Fresher when applying for entry-level positions

As a fresher, getting your first job can be a daunting task. You are competing with other fresh graduates who have similar qualifications and skills as you. As a result, you need to stand out from the crowd when applying for entry-level positions.

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However, there are some mistakes that many freshers make when applying for jobs, which can hurt their chances of getting hired. Below are some of the things that you should avoid doing when applying for entry-level positions.

1. Not Researching the Company

One of the biggest mistakes that freshers make when applying for entry-level positions is not researching the company they are applying to. It is essential to know the company’s values, mission, and culture before applying for a job.

This will help you tailor your application to the company’s needs and show the recruiter that you are genuinely interested in the role. Additionally, researching the company will help you prepare for the interview and answer questions confidently.

2. Applying to Every Job

Another mistake that many freshers make is applying to every job they come across. It is crucial to apply only to the jobs that match your skills and qualifications. Applying to every job can make you look desperate and unprofessional. Moreover, it can waste your time and the recruiter’s time, as they have to go through a large number of irrelevant applications.

3. Not Customizing Your Resume and Cover Letter

Many freshers make the mistake of submitting a generic resume and cover letter when applying for jobs. A generic resume and cover letter do not show the recruiter why you are the best candidate for the role. It is essential to customize your resume and cover letter to the job requirements and the company’s needs. This will help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of getting hired.

4. Not Following Up

After submitting your application, it is essential to follow up with the recruiter to know the status of your application. Many freshers make the mistake of not following up, which can hurt their chances of getting hired. Following up shows the recruiter that you are genuinely interested in the role and willing to go the extra mile to get the job.

Applying for entry-level positions as a fresher can be challenging, but avoiding these mistakes can help increase your chances of getting hired. Remember to research the company, apply only to jobs that match your skills, customize your resume and cover letter, and follow up after submitting your application. By avoiding these mistakes, you can stand out from the competition and land your first job.


To land an entry-level position as a fresher, you need to identify your goals and interests, tailor your resume and cover letter, network, apply for internships, follow up, be prepared for interviews, accept feedback, be flexible, be patient, and keep learning. Follow these tips, and you will be well on your way to landing your dream job.



12 GRAVE MISTAKES FOR JOB SEEKERS – avoid this and land your next job

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