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Tips on How to Write a Good CV + Sample CV

Tips on How to Write a Good CV + Sample CV

Tips on How to Write a Good CV + Sample CV

If you are thinking of applying for a job, then you undoubtedly have a CV  in mind. And if you don’t have one, then you should start!

No matter what your field, a CV is an important document. It can be your entry into the job market, your ticket to an interview, and your key to securing an interview. In fact, a good CV can help you land the job of your dreams.

Tips on How to Write a Good CV + Sample CV

Here are tips on how to write a good CV:

  1. Be specific.

Every component of your CV should focus on one specific skill or experience. If you can, make your listing shorter and more focused. This will make it easier for a recruiter to find your information and see how your skills and experiences line up with the job they are hiring for.

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  1. Use the right formatting.

Using the proper formatting will make your CV look more professional and help you stand out from the competition. There are a variety of different formats you can use, so find one that is most suited to the job you are applying to.

  1. 3. Utilize online resources.

There are a number of online resources and tools available that can help you create a great CV. Whether you are using a free tool or paying for a more comprehensive service, researching the right resources will help you create a high-quality document.

  1. 4. Be creative.

Skills to Put on your CV

There are a number of important skills that should be included on your CV in order to stand out from the competition. These include: 

Communication skills: Strong communication skills, both oral and written, are essential for any job. 

Teamwork: Demonstrating your ability to work well in a team environment will help you show potential employers you are a reliable and collaborative employee. 

Problem-solving: Showcasing your ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems will demonstrate to employers the value you can add to the organization. 

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Computer literacy: Having a good understanding of computers and the ability to use various software programs is important in many industries. 

Leadership: Being able to lead and motivate a team is a valuable asset and can be helpful in various positions. 

Time management: Being able to effectively manage your time is essential for any job. 

Flexibility and Adaptability: Showing employers that you are able to adjust to new situations and learn quickly is a great asset. 

Organizational skills: Demonstrating your ability to organize tasks, prioritize workloads, and meet deadlines will be highly beneficial to employers.

Key Sections to include on a CV

A CV should include several key sections, including a personal statement, work experience, education, skills, and references.

The personal statement is essential as it introduces you to a potential employer and highlights your unique qualities and skills. Work experience should include details of your previous jobs, including job titles, dates of employment, and a bulleted list of your responsibilities and accomplishments.

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Education should detail your qualifications, including the name of the institution, dates attended, and the grades you achieved. Skills should be listed in bullet points and should include both hard and soft skills relevant to the job you are applying for.

Finally, it is important to ensure that your CV is well-organized, easy to read, and tailored to the job you are applying for.

Good Sample CV For an Entry Level Engineering Position

A sample CV for an entry level engineering position should emphasize technical knowledge, transferable skills, and relevant work experience. It should also demonstrate an individual’s ability to think analytically, work in teams, and manage projects.

Name: John Smith 

Objective: To secure an entry level engineering position in a dynamic organization where I can utilize my technical knowledge and skills.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 2017


• Analytical Thinking: Skilled at analyzing complex engineering problems and developing innovative solutions.

• Teamwork: Experienced in working in teams to complete projects and achieve goals.

• Project Management: Ability to develop detailed project plans, coordinate resources, and meet deadlines.

Work Experience:

Intern, ABC Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, 2016-2017 

o Assisted with research and development projects, including conducting experiments and analyzing results.

o Developed detailed project plans and coordinated resources to meet deadlines.

o Communicated project findings to team members and supervisors.

Lab Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles, 2015-2016

o Assisted professors with laboratory experiments and data analysis.

o Maintained laboratory equipment, ensuring it is in proper working order.

 o Reported results and findings to professors.



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