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How to Effectively use Internship to Build Your Career

How to Effectively use Internship to Build Your Career

How to Effectively use Internship to Build Your Career

As a student, the concept of internships has likely been ingrained in your mind since the beginning of your college journey. But what exactly is the purpose of these positions and how can they best be utilized to launch your career? Here, we’ll be discussing how to effectively use an internship opportunity to build your career.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that internships are no longer just about fetching coffee and making copies. They are an integral part of the job search and hiring process and serve as a critical stepping stone in the journey towards a full-time career. Internships are an opportunity for you to gain valuable experience in your chosen field, learn the ins and outs of the industry, build your professional network, and make a lasting impression with potential employers.

With that being said, it’s important to approach internships with a strategy in mind. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your internship experience:

5 Tips on How to Effectively use Internship to Build Your Career

1. Set Goals

Before starting your internship, take some time to reflect on what you hope to gain from the experience. Maybe you want to learn a specific skill, make connections in the industry, or gain a deeper understanding of the day-to-day operations of a particular company.

Whatever your goals may be, write them down and share them with your supervisor. This will help ensure that you are working towards something specific and that your efforts are recognized and appreciated.

2. Be Proactive

Many interns fall into the trap of waiting for their supervisors to assign tasks and projects. However, in order to truly make an impact and demonstrate your value, it’s important to be proactive and take initiative. Keep an eye out for opportunities where you can add value to the team and don’t be afraid to speak up and share your ideas.

3. Network, Network, Network

One of the biggest benefits of internships is the opportunity to build your professional network. Take advantage of this by attending company events, connecting with colleagues on LinkedIn, and reaching out to professionals in your field to ask for an informational interview. Building a strong network early on in your career can open doors and provide valuable career advice and mentorship.

4. Seek Feedback

In order to continuously improve and grow, it’s important to seek feedback from your supervisor and colleagues. This can be in the form of regular check-ins, performance reviews, or one-on-one meetings. Use this feedback to set new goals and adjust your approach as needed.

5. Make a Lasting Impression

Lastly, it’s important to make a lasting impression during your internship. This means going above and beyond in your work, demonstrating a positive attitude, and being a team player. You never know when your internship experience may lead to a full-time job opportunity or a referral for a future position.

Tips on What Not to do During Your Internship

  1. Don’t be late: Punctuality is key to maintaining a good impression in your internship. You don’t want to set a bad example by arriving late to work. Always try to reach work 10-15 minutes before the official start time.
  2. Don’t use your phone too much: When you are at work, try to minimize the use of your phone. It is important to show that you are attentive and focused during work hours. Using your phone too much can be distracting and may negatively impact your internship.
  3. Don’t dress inappropriately: Always dress professionally for your internship. This means no revealing clothing, flip-flops, or overly casual attire. Ensure that you are dressed in a manner that is appropriate for the work environment.
  4. Don’t miss deadlines: Meeting deadlines is essential during any job or internship. Ensure you prioritize your work efficiently and have a clear understanding of the deadlines for each assignment. Missing deadlines may reflect poorly on your work ethic and commitment towards the internship.
  5. Don’t be afraid to ask questions: During your internship, you will be learning new things and may come across situations where you need help. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to your supervisor or colleagues. This shows that you are eager to learn and improve your skills.
  6. Don’t be a wallflower: Make an effort to engage with your colleagues and participate in team activities. Being social and building relationships with your colleagues will help you make the most of your internship experience and may lead to future opportunities.
  7. Don’t forget to network: Take advantage of the opportunity to network during your internship. Attend networking events, connect with people on LinkedIn and ask for informational interviews. Building a network can help you in your future career endeavors.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can make a positive impact in your internship and make the most of your experience.

How to Create a Good Network During Your Internship Period

Networking is an essential aspect of any profession, and it becomes particularly important during an internship period. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss how to create a good network during your internship period.

Firstly, it is essential to attend company events and meetings as much as possible. This will provide ample opportunities to meet and interact with professionals from various fields. Try to introduce yourself and ask questions to initiate conversations, and do not hesitate to exchange business cards.

Secondly, create an online presence on professional networking sites such as LinkedIn. Upload a professional profile picture and make sure your bio is up-to-date and accurate. Connect with people you meet during your internship period and share articles and updates related to your field.

Thirdly, do not limit yourself to networking within your workplace. Attend industry events and trade shows to meet professionals from various companies and fields. This will help you gain an understanding of the industry and the latest trends and developments.

Fourthly, maintain contact with your previous employers, colleagues, and supervisors. These connections can be valuable in the future, and they may provide you with job opportunities, references, or advice.

Fifthly, consider joining professional organizations related to your field. This will create opportunities to attend networking events, conferences, and training workshops, where you can meet like-minded professionals.

Finally, do not forget to express gratitude and appreciation to the people who have helped you during your internship period. Send thank-you notes or emails, or even small gifts. This will help maintain strong relationships with your contacts and make them more likely to help you in the future.

Creating a good network during your internship period is crucial for building your career and establishing long-lasting relationships with professionals in your field. By attending events and meetings, creating an online presence, attending industry events, maintaining contact with previous employers, joining professional organizations, and expressing gratitude, you can create a successful and valuable network.


Internships are a valuable tool for building your career. By setting goals, being proactive, networking, seeking feedback, and making a lasting impression, you can make the most out of your internship experience and position yourself for future success.

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