6 Tips on What Not to Say During An Interview

6 Tips on What Not to Say During An Interview

When it comes to job interviews, it can be nerve-wracking to figure out what to say. After all, you want to come across as professional, knowledgeable, and confident.

However, there are certain things you should avoid saying during an interview. Below are some important tips on what not to say during an interview.

6 Tips on What Not to Say During An Interview

1. I don’t know

Of course, there will be times when you don’t know the answer to a question. However, saying I don’t know can make you come across as unprepared and uninterested in the position. Instead, try to explain how you would go about finding the answer.

2. I’m not sure if I’m qualified

While it’s important to be honest about your skills and experience, saying you’re not qualified can give the impression that you’re not confident in your abilities. Instead, focus on your strengths and how they align with the position.

3. My last job was terrible

It’s important to avoid speaking negatively about previous employers or colleagues. It can come across as unprofessional and may raise red flags for the interviewer.

Instead, focus on what you learned from previous experiences and how you’ve grown as a professional.

4. I don’t have any questions

Questions time is another chance given to you which you can grab and shine during the moment. It is now your chance to show them that you have researched about the company and there are areas you need to know more.

Therefore, when an interviewer asks if you have any questions, saying no can give the impression that you’re not interested in the position. Prepare some questions beforehand that show your enthusiasm for the role and the company.

5. I’m really just looking for a paycheck

While it’s understandable that you want to be paid for your work, saying that you’re just in it for the money can make you come across as uninterested in the company’s mission or values.

Instead, emphasize your interest in the company and how you can contribute to their goals.

6. I don’t have any weaknesses

Everyone has weaknesses, and pretending that you don’t can make you seem overconfident or insincere. It’s better to be honest about your weaknesses and show how you are actively working to improve them. This demonstrates self-awareness and a willingness to learn and grow.


It’s important to be mindful of what you say during an interview. By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll come across as more professional and confident, increasing your chances of landing the job.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) on What Not to Say During An Interview

  1. What are some things I should avoid saying during an interview?

You should avoid saying negative things about your previous employer, making false statements, asking about salary too early, making jokes that could be inappropriate, making political or religious statements, and talking about personal information.

  1. Why is it important to be careful about what I say during an interview?

It’s important because what you say during an interview can either make or break your chances of landing the job. Certain statements can make you appear unprofessional, unprepared, or even rude. You want to present yourself in the best light possible during an interview.

  1. Can I be myself during an interview?

Yes, you can be yourself during an interview, but it’s important to present the best version of yourself. It’s okay to show some personality and be personable, but avoid making inappropriate jokes or discussing personal topics that are not relevant to the job.

  1. What should I focus on during an interview?

During an interview, you should focus on highlighting your skills, experiences, and qualifications that make you the best candidate for the job. It’s also important to ask thoughtful questions about the position and the company culture.

  1. How can I prepare for an interview and avoid saying the wrong things?

Research the company and the position, practice answering common interview questions, and prepare questions to ask the interviewer. It’s also important to think before you speak and avoid making any statements that could be perceived as negative or unprofessional.

6. Can I work from home?

It’s not the right time to ask about working from home during an interview. Your focus should be on impressing the interviewer and proving your worth as a potential employee.

It’s better to wait until you are offered the job or have established a rapport with the employer before asking about flexible working arrangements.

7. How much money does this job pay?

It’s important to avoid asking about salary and benefits during the initial interview. This conversation should be reserved for later stages in the hiring process or after you receive an offer. Focusing too much on salary and benefits could make you come across as money-driven rather than passionate about the job and the company.

8. Is there room for growth in this company?

While it’s natural to wonder about career growth opportunities, it’s important to focus on the position you are applying for and how you can excel in it.

Asking about career advancement can make you appear presumptuous and show that you are more interested in your own career than the company’s goals.



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